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Showing posts from November, 2014

First post using stackedit

Welcome to StackEdit! Hey! I’m your first Markdown document in StackEdit 1 . Don’t delete me, I’m very helpful! I can be recovered anyway in the Utils tab of the Settings dialog. Documents StackEdit stores your documents in your browser, which means all your documents are automatically saved locally and are accessible offline! Note: StackEdit is accessible offline after the application has been loaded for the first time. Your local documents are not shared between different browsers or computers. Clearing your browser’s data may delete all your local documents! Make sure your documents are synchronized with Google Drive or Dropbox (check out the Synchronization section). Create a document The document panel is accessible using the button in the navigation bar. You can create a new document by clicking New document in the document panel. Switch to another document All your local documents are listed in the document panel. You can switch from one to anoth...

Getting started with source code of the book: Haskell the craft of functional programming in Ubuntu

If you are following the book you probably want to download and try the source code than typing everything from scratch.  To use the source code provided by the author, first of all you need to install QuickCheck:   cabal install quickcheck Then cabal unpack Craft3e If cabal cannot find the appropriate package, you need to update cabal: cabal update

How to use diffent keyboard than English in Ubuntu Server 14.04 (or 14.10) with Gnome Core

Even in my laptop, I still use Ubuntu Server because it seems more stable than Ubuntu Desktop. At the first time of using Ubuntu Server, you may have some issues, especially if you are not familiar with Linux command, because there is no GUI in Ubuntu Server by default. There are some ways to install GUI to Ubuntu Server. I am choosing Gnome Core. To install Gnome Core: sudo apt-get install xorg gnome-core gnome-system-tools gnome-app-install If you have used Ubuntu Desktop before (with Unity), you may find something different in Gnome Core. 1. The notification bar now in on the bottom but not top.  To see the notification bar, move your mouse to the bottom of the screen. 2. There is no Text Entry anymore, so if you are not native English speaker like me and want to install another typing application such as ibus to type in your own language, it may be pain. In Gnome Core, to configure your typing, press Windows button (if there is this key in your keyboard),...

Computer Science Programming Basics in Ruby

Get this book from Amazon (recommend) Product Details Paperback:  188 pages Publisher:  O'Reilly Media; 1 edition (May 1, 2013) Language:  English ISBN-10:  1449355978 ISBN-13:  978-1449355975 Product Dimensions:  7 x 0.4 x 9.2 inches Editorial Reviews Review Author Ophir Frieder offers insights on his latest book, "Computer Science Programming Basics in Ruby" "Computer Science Programming Basics in Ruby" is timely as many of the world's web sites and applications are built with a framework called Ruby on Rails. The core of that framework is a programming language called Ruby. It turns out that Ruby is an exceptional language with which to teach introductory computer science topics. Hence, a rare combination of thing-that-is-useful, along with thing-that-is-good-to-teach has occurred. Our book is the first to really treat Ruby as a solid introductory programming language with which to teach core computer sci...

How to cut and paste in Mac OS

If you switch to Mac OS from MS Windows or even Linux distro, the lack of cut feature may be annoy. You can also install Total Finder for Mac OS, to add some features into Finder, but I always prefer to use the default one. Actually, To cut and paste (move the file) in Finder of Mac OS, you can: - Select file(s). - Command + C - Move to destination directory - Option + Command + V Voila!

Reference books for edX CS50X: Introduction to Computer Science, Havard University (Part 2): Programming in C (update to 4th edition)

Get this book from Amazon (recommend) Programming in C, Fourth Edition is a newly revised and updated edition of Steven Kochan's classic C programming tutorial — a book that has helped thousands of students master C over the past 25 years. This edition fully reflects the latest developments in the C programming  and has been crafted to help students master C regardless of the platform they intend to use or the applications they intend to create—including mobile and gaming-device applications — where C's elegance and speed make it especially valuable. Kochan begins with the fundamentals, then covers every facet of C programming: variables, data types, arithmetic expressions, program looping, making decisions, arrays, functions, structures, character strings, pointers, operations on bits, the preprocessors, I/O, and more. Coverage also includes chapters on working with larger programs; debugging programs, and the fundamentals of object-oriented programming. - See more at:...

How to start writing LaTex in Ubuntu

It is very easy: 1. Install TexLive: sudo apt-get install texlive-full (it will take time) 2. Install TexMaker (there are many LaTex editors, but TexMaker is a very good one, easy to use, and cross platform so you can easily switch between operating systems): You can download TexMaker from this website: (select the version of your Ubuntu) TexMaker will take about 1.1GB after installed, so prepare disk for it. 3. That's it. Start TexMaker. 4. By default, when click Quick Build, TexMaker will generate PDF file. For many cases, it is good enough and you do not have to modify anything.