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Suppose you have a function toss, which returns 0 or 1 randomly.
Now you need to write a function which uses toss () to generate a random integer number between 1 and 6.
The idea is: you toss 3 times, and if the value is outside of first six values, you toss 3 times again.
The Python code is following:
#suppose we have a function called "toss" which return 0 and 1 randomly #we need to write a function to generate number between 1 and 6 #means 1 <= x <= 6 use only the function "toss" from random import randint def toss (): return randint (0, 1) def generateRandomBetween1And6 (): while (True): sum = 0 for i in range (3): sum += toss () * (2 ** i) if (sum >= 1 and sum <= 6): return sum #test res = [0] * 6 for i in range (10000): num = generateRandomBetween1And6 (); res [num - 1] += 1 for i in range (6): print(str(res[i]) + '\n')