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Welcome to StackEdit! Hey! I’m your first Markdown document in StackEdit 1 . Don’t delete me, I’m very helpful! I can be recovered anyway in the Utils tab of the Settings dialog. Documents StackEdit stores your documents in your browser, which means all your documents are automatically saved locally and are accessible offline! Note: StackEdit is accessible offline after the application has been loaded for the first time. Your local documents are not shared between different browsers or computers. Clearing your browser’s data may delete all your local documents! Make sure your documents are synchronized with Google Drive or Dropbox (check out the Synchronization section). Create a document The document panel is accessible using the button in the navigation bar. You can create a new document by clicking New document in the document panel. Switch to another document All your local documents are listed in the document panel. You can switch from one to anoth

Cocoa Design Patterns by Erik M. Buck and Donald A. Yacktman (Sep 11, 2009)


Editorial Reviews


Praise for Cocoa Design Patterns

“This long-needed book is a great resource for Cocoa newcomers and veterans who want to get the why behind the what. The list of patterns gives historical perspective and answers many developer questions and the last three chapters–covering Core Data, AppKit, and Bindings–are a must-read; they reveal insights that might otherwise require hours of discussion with Apple engineers or access to source code.”
Tim Burks, Software Developer and Creator of the Nu Programming Language,

“This book is a comprehensive and authoritative treatment of design patterns and their practical applications in Cocoa projects. I recommend this book to anyone who wants to advance from intermediate to expert proficiency as a Macintosh developer.”
John C. Randolph, Vice President Engineering, Stealth Imaging, Inc.

Cocoa Design Patterns is a fantastic book that will show you the ins and outs of software design patterns, how Cocoa makes use of them, and how to apply them to your own applications for better, more robust, and more maintainable software.”
August Trometer, Owner of FoggyNoggin Software

Cocoa Design Patterns is superb! It is highly readable, thoroughly enjoyable, and filled to the brim with wisdom that will make you a more efficient and effective programmer. The authors utilize a consistent and self-contained approach to each chapter, making it easy to return to use as a reference. However, the material is so interesting and vital to Cocoa programmers that you’ll want to read it from cover to cover.”
David Mandell, Independent Developer

“Erik and Donald’s book really helped me out with the conceptual side of programming. It caused me to realize where I was going wrong in my code and helped me sort out my design issues.”
Eoin Houlihan

“This book is recommended for any programmer interested in a deeper understanding of Cocoa. Reading it might have helped me become a better software engineer in any object-oriented language. I’ll keep it handy as a constant reference and look forward to reading it again more carefully.”
Daryl Spitzer

About the Author

Erik M. Buck founded EMB & Associates, Inc. in 1993 and built the company into a leader in the aerospace and entertainment software industries by leveraging the NeXT/Apple software technology that would later become Apple’s Cocoa frameworks. Mr. Buck has also worked in construction, taught science to 8th graders, exhibited oil on canvas portraits, and developed alternative fuel vehicles. Mr. Buck sold his company in 2002 and currently holds the title of Senior Staff at Northrop Grumman Corporation. Mr. Buck received a B.S. degree in computer science from the University of Dayton in 1991 and is a frequent contributor to Cocoa mailing lists and technical forums.

Donald A. Yacktman has been using Cocoa and its predecessor technologies, OpenStep and NextStep, professionally since 1991. He coauthored the book Cocoa Programming and has contributed to the Stepwise website as both author and editor. He has worked for Verio/iServer and illumineX in the past. At present he works as an independent consultant assisting in the design and implementation of Cocoa and iPhone applications. Mr.Yacktman received B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical and computer engineering from Brigham Young University in 1991 and 1994, respectively.

Product Details

  • Paperback: 456 pages
  • Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional; 1 edition (September 11, 2009)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0321535022
  • ISBN-13: 978-0321535023
  • Product Dimensions: 7 x 0.9 x 9 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 1.3 pounds


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First post using stackedit

Welcome to StackEdit! Hey! I’m your first Markdown document in StackEdit 1 . Don’t delete me, I’m very helpful! I can be recovered anyway in the Utils tab of the Settings dialog. Documents StackEdit stores your documents in your browser, which means all your documents are automatically saved locally and are accessible offline! Note: StackEdit is accessible offline after the application has been loaded for the first time. Your local documents are not shared between different browsers or computers. Clearing your browser’s data may delete all your local documents! Make sure your documents are synchronized with Google Drive or Dropbox (check out the Synchronization section). Create a document The document panel is accessible using the button in the navigation bar. You can create a new document by clicking New document in the document panel. Switch to another document All your local documents are listed in the document panel. You can switch from one to anoth